Jelly Belly BeanBoozled App Privacy Notice

Last updated: January 11, 2017

Thank you for downloading Jelly Belly BeanBoozled App (the "App"). We are committed to the privacy of our App users. Please read the following information carefully. It tells you when this notice is effective, what information we collect from you, how we might use it, and how we may change this notice. If you have questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Notice, please contact us at [email protected].

Agreement to Terms
All activities in which you may engage on this App are voluntary. If you do not agree with the terms of this Notice or Our Terms of Use, please immediately exit Jelly Belly BeanBoozled and discontinue use of the App.

Effective Date and Changes to this Notice
This Privacy Notice is effective as of the date above, and will remain in effect until a new notice supersedes it. We may choose to update this notice at our discretion. The most recent version of the notice will be reflected by the "last updated" date noted at the top of the page. Your continued use of the App constitutes your acknowledgment of the notice in its current version and your understanding of the terms of the notice.

We Do Not Collect Personal Information
This App does not collect any personal information.

Types of Non-Identifying Information We Collect
We may collect general information resulting from your activity on the App. This information does not personally identify you. This general information may include anonymous "traffic data" or tracking information provided by the App host or similar provider of such information (i.e., Google Analytics, Google Play and Apple’s developer consoles), which may be collected or stored by these third parties. In addition, the make and model of your cell phone may be collected by Google IOS and the Apple App Store and shared with us.

Challenge A Friend & View Camera Roll
The App includes a feature that allows you to "Challenge A Friend" via a video-sharing interface. The App also allows you to "View Camera Roll" where you can take photos or 6-second videos and share those with friends. We do not save or store any of your photos or videos and do not record your video-sharing sessions. These features are optional, but require that you and your friend have downloaded the App and allowed it access to your photos and/or camera to play.

How Information is Used
We may use the general information collected to provide, maintain, and improve our services and to detect, investigate and/or prevent fraudulent, unauthorized or illegal activity.

You may opt out permanently from notifications at any time by visiting the "settings" folder on your device. Typically, a subfolder entitled "notifications" will be located within where notifications can be customized.

How to Delete your Information
While we do not collect any personal information, if you would like to discontinue collection of your non-identifying information, simply delete the App.

A Note to Parents
Jelly Belly is committed to protecting the on-line privacy of children. While this App is operated for the enjoyment of general audiences, we are mindful children may also use this App. Children are not required to provide any personal information to use any part of this App. We also do not knowingly collect information from children under 13 years of age.

If you have questions or concerns about the Internet and privacy for your child, we encourage you to check out

Questions or Comments
If you have any questions or comments relating to our App or the Privacy Notice, send an e-mail to [email protected].